この作品について 目次
-14- 正義、正当性、道徳的無秩序について、その2、<サン・クリストバルへの輸送>
すなわち、イスラエルがカナンを---いや、カナンだけではない、その近隣諸国をも---征服するくだりでの、あの流血に次ぐ流血、あの記述を我々はどう考えたらいいものだろうか? しかもそのすべてが神の命令によって遂行されているのだ。
それゆえAは自問する---自分がもし古代イスラエルの戦士だったら、正義のために、ためらわずにカナン人を殺せただろうか? 剣の柄まで血糊に染まっても、ちゃんとそれを持って、しっかり立っていられただろうか? そしてもちろん、それだけの覚悟がなければ今日、真のクリスチャンとして生きることはできないのだ。我々の戦いはもはや「血肉に対するものではない」にしても、我々は今日なお戦わなくてはならないからだ---「主にあって、またその力の強大さによって強くなっていきなさい。悪魔の策略にしっかりと立ち向かえるように、完全にそろった、神からの武具を身に着けなさい。私たちの格闘は、血肉に対するものではなく、もろもろの政府と権威、またこの闇の世の支配者たちと、天の場所にある邪悪な霊の勢力に対するものだからです」Eph6:10-12
あるいはまた、その記録は神の正義の厳格さについても教えていた。今はもう剣を取ることを求められていないとしても、その記述を、自分が献身しようとしている神のかつての所業として受け入れることは、すなわちそれを、その大虐殺を肯定することである。Aが己れを差し出そうとしていた神は、こんなふうに、従わない者を何のためらいもなく殺す神なのである。本当にそれでいいのか? と心のうちでささやく声を、Aが聞いたとしても不思議ではなかった。
しかし、Aの知る限り、この考えをはっきりと口に出し、一つの作品に仕立てあげたのは、ジョージ・シュタイナーが最初である。それゆえこの問題にさんざん苦しんだ末に彼の“The Portage To San Cristobal Of A.H."に出会ったとき、Aがいたく感動したのももっともなことだった。
こうした状況を見て若いアムゼルは怒りを募らせる---どうしてさっさと殺してしまわないのか? 彼は年長のギデオンに訴える---
I want vengeance, just the same as you.
Vengeance? There can be no vengeance. ・・・You think the dead will sit up just because we've got Hitler? They don't. You can dip him in boiling oil six million times. What's that going to mean to a man who's seen his six-year-old daughter so terrified she dirtied herself before they killed her? You think that can be made good?
First point.
You must understand that I did not invent. Adolf Hitler dreamed up the master race. He conceived of enslaving inferior peoples. Lies. Lies. It was in the dosshouse I first understood. It was in. God help me. And the lice. Large as a thumb nail. 1910, 1911? What's it matter? It was there I first understood your secret power. Your teaching. A chosen people. Chosen by God for His own.・・・
It was Grill who showed me the words. The chosen people. God's own and elect among the welter of nations. My promise was only a thousand years. Grill said, to eternity, lo, it is written here.・・・ He read from the book. Your book. Of which every letter is sacred and every mite of every letter. That's so isn't it? Read till light out, and after, sing-song through his nose, because he knew it by heart, from his school days. 'They utterly destroyed all that was in the city.” In Samaria. Because the Samaritans read a different scripture. Because they had built a sanctuary of their own. Of terebinth. Six cubits to the left. They made it seven or five or God knows. Put to the sword. The first time. Every man, woman, child, she-ox, dog. No. No dogs. They are of the unclean things that hop or crawl on the earth, like the Philistine, the unclean of Moab, the lepers of Sidon. To slaughter a city because of an idea, because of a vexation over words. That was a high invention, a device to alter the human soul. Your invention. One Israel, one Volk, one leader. Moses, Joshua, the anointed king who has slain his thousands, no his ten-thousands, and dances now before the ark. It was in Compiegne, wasn't it? They say I danced. Only a small dance.
From you. Everything. To set a race apart. To keep it from defilement. To hold before it a Promised land. To scour that land of its inhabitants or place them in servitude. Your beliefs. Your arrogance.・・・Do you remember? The pillar of fire. That shall lead you to Canaan. And woe unto the Amorites, the Jebusites, the Kenites, the half-men outside God's pact.・・・ They whispered to me that he too. The name. My racism was a parody of yours, a hungry imitation. What is a thousand-year Reich compared to the eternity of Zion? Perhaps I was the false Messiah sent before. Judge me and you must judge yourselves.・・・
Point two. There had to be a solution, a final solution. For what is the Jew if he not a long cancer of unrest? I beg your attention, I demand it. Was there ever a crueler invention, a contrivance more calculated to harrow human existence, than that of an omnipotent, all-seeing, yet invisible, impalpable, inconceivable God? ・・・ The Jew emptied the world by setting his God apart, immeasurably apart from man's senses. No image. No imagining even. A blank emptier than the desert. Yet with a terrible nearness. Spying on our every misdeed, searching out the heart of our heart for motive. A God of vengeance unto the thirtieth generation(these are the Jew's words, not mine). ・・・His God is purer than any other. And because we are His creatures, we must be better than ourselves, love our neighbour, be continent, give of what we have to the beggar. We must obey every jot of the law. We must bottle up our rages and desires, chastise the flesh and walk bent in the rain. You call a tyrant, an enslaver. What tyranny and what enslavement have been more oppressive than the sick fantasies of the Jew? You are not Godkillers, but Godmakers. And that is infinitely worse. The Jew invented conscience.
But that was the only first piece of blackmail. There were worse to come. The white-faced Nazarene. Gentlemen, I find it difficult to contain myself.・・・ What did that epileptic rabbi ask of man? That he renounce the world, that he leave his father and mother behind, that he offer the other cheek, that he render good for evil, that he love neighbour as himself, no, better, for self-love is an evil. Oh, grand castration! Note the cunning of it. Demand of human beings more than they can give, and you will make of them cripples, hypocrites, mendicants for salvation. ・・・ What could be crueler than the Jew's addiction to the ideal?
Sacrifice yourself for the good of your fellow man. Relinquish your possessions so that there may be equality for all. ・・・So that justice may be achieved on earth. So that history be fulfilled and society purged of all imperfection. Recognize the sermon, gentlemen? The litany of hatred? Rabbi Marx on the day of atonement. Was there ever a greater promise? 'Classless society, to each according to his needs, brotherhood for all mankind, the earth made a garden again, a rational Eden. 'In the name of which tyranny, torture, war, extermination were a necessity, an historical necessity! It's no accident Marx and his minions were Jews - Trotsky, Rosa Luxemburg, Kamenev, the whole murderous pack. Look at them: prophets, martyrs, word-spinners, smashers of images, drunk with the terror of the absolute. It was only a step, gentlemen, a small inevitable step from Sinai to Nazareth, from Nazareth to the covenant of Marxism.・・・
・・・Men had grown sick of it, sick to death. When I turned on the Jew, no one came to his rescue. No one. France, England, Russia, even Jew-ridden America did nothing. they were glad the exterminator had come. They didn't say so openly, I grant you that. But secretly they rejoiced. We had to find, to burn out the virus of utopia before the whole of western civilization sickened. To return to man as he is. Selfish, greedy, short-sighted, but marvelously housed in his own stench.・・・We shall vomit you so we may live and have peace. A final solution. How could there be any other?
Third point. You have exaggerated. Grossly. Hysterically. You've made me out some mad devil, the quintessence of evil, hell embodied. When in truth I was only a man of my time.
Average, if you will. Had I been the singular demon of your fantasies, how could millions of ordinary men and women have found in me the mirror, the plain mirror of their appetites? It was, I will allow, an ugly time. But I did not create its ugliness, and I was not the worst. Far from it. How many wretched little men of the forests did your Belgian friends murder outright or leave to starvation and syphilis when they raped the Congo? Some twenty million. That picnic was under way when I was new born. What were Rotterdam or Coventry compared to Dresden and Hiroshima? ・・・Who was it that broke the Reich? To whom did you hand over millions, tens of millions of men and women from Prague to the Baltic? ・・・I was a small man compared to him. Yes, Stalin slaughtered thirty million. He perfected genocide when I was still a nameless scribbler in Munich.・・・ Stalin's torturers worked for the pleasure of the thing. To make men befoul themselves and obtain confessions which were obscene jokes. ・・・He found us amateurish, corrupt with mercy. Our camps covered absurd acres; he strung wire and death pits round a continent. Who survived among those who had fought with him, brought him to power, executed his will? Not one. He smashed their bones to the last splinter.・・・Small game, gentlemen, hardly worthy of your skills. In a world that tortures prisoners and pours napalm on naked villagers. That continues to do these things quite without my help.
(Fourth point.) ・・・That strange book, 'Der Judenstaat'. I read it carefully. A clever book, I agree. Shaping Zionism in the image of the new German nation. But did Herzl create Israel? Or did I? Examine the question fairly. Would Palestine have become Israel, would the Jews have come to that barren patch in the Levant, would the United States and the Soviet Union, Stalin's Soviet Union have given you recognition and guaranteed tour survival, had it not been for the Holocaust? It was the Holocaust that gave you the courage of injustice, that made you drive the Arab out of his home, out of his field, because he was lice-eaten and without resource, because he was in your divinely ordered way. That made you endure knowing that those whom you had driven out were rotting in refugee camps, not ten miles away, buried alive in despair and lunatic dreams of vengeance. Perhaps I am the Messiah, the true Messiah, the new Sabbatai, whose infamous deeds were allows by God in order to bring his people home. 'The Holocaust was the necessary mystery before Israel could come into its strength. 'It wasn't I said that, but your own visionaries, your unravellers of God's meaning on a Friday night in Jerusalem. Should you not honour me? Who have made you into men of war, who have made of the long, vacuous daydream of Zion a reality? Should you not be a comfort to my old age?
So, gentlemen of the tribunal:
I took my doctrines from you.
I fought the blackmail of the ideal with which you have hounded mankind.
My crimes were matched and surpassed by those of others.
The Reich begat Israel.
These are my last words.
正義の問題! そう、それはまさしく正義の問題だったのだ。
・・・I beg your attention, gentlemen, I demand it. Was there ever a crueler invention, a contrivance more calculated to harrow human existence, than that of an omnipotent, all-seeing, yet invisible, inconceivable God? ・・・A blank emptier than the desert. Yet with a terrible nearness. Spying on our every misdeed, searching out the heart of our heart for motive. ・・・
そしてこれが、ヒトラーの自己弁護の第二の論理に対する反証である。すなわち、ヒトラーがそれに対して戦ったところの'the blackmail of the ideal'はイスラエルの考案ではなく、むしろイスラエルは、その最初の被害者であり、しかも最も哀れな被害者なのだ。
しかし我々はまた、ここで百八十度視点を変えて、'the blackmail of the ideal'そのもののためにも弁護しなくてはならない。というのは、Aはそのために第二章の全体を費やしたようなものではなかったか? すなわち、ユダヤ教とその後身のキリスト教とにおける理想の概念は、人間のうちに厳然として存在する悪に対する一つの回答であり、対処策であり、態度表明なのである。
And that is infinitely worse. The Jew invented conscience.
以下はAが最初にこの戯曲に出会ったとき、感動のあまりというのもあったが、それに加えて反論と弁明のために書いた古代イスラエル史及びキリスト教史である。' But the facts must speak for themselves.' そしてその特に後半において、問題の部分が扱われることになろう。
この作品について 目次
-14- 正義、正当性、道徳的無秩序について、その2、<サン・クリストバルへの輸送>
すなわち、イスラエルがカナンを---いや、カナンだけではない、その近隣諸国をも---征服するくだりでの、あの流血に次ぐ流血、あの記述を我々はどう考えたらいいものだろうか? しかもそのすべてが神の命令によって遂行されているのだ。
それゆえAは自問する---自分がもし古代イスラエルの戦士だったら、正義のために、ためらわずにカナン人を殺せただろうか? 剣の柄まで血糊に染まっても、ちゃんとそれを持って、しっかり立っていられただろうか? そしてもちろん、それだけの覚悟がなければ今日、真のクリスチャンとして生きることはできないのだ。我々の戦いはもはや「血肉に対するものではない」にしても、我々は今日なお戦わなくてはならないからだ---「主にあって、またその力の強大さによって強くなっていきなさい。悪魔の策略にしっかりと立ち向かえるように、完全にそろった、神からの武具を身に着けなさい。私たちの格闘は、血肉に対するものではなく、もろもろの政府と権威、またこの闇の世の支配者たちと、天の場所にある邪悪な霊の勢力に対するものだからです」Eph6:10-12
あるいはまた、その記録は神の正義の厳格さについても教えていた。今はもう剣を取ることを求められていないとしても、その記述を、自分が献身しようとしている神のかつての所業として受け入れることは、すなわちそれを、その大虐殺を肯定することである。Aが己れを差し出そうとしていた神は、こんなふうに、従わない者を何のためらいもなく殺す神なのである。本当にそれでいいのか? と心のうちでささやく声を、Aが聞いたとしても不思議ではなかった。
しかし、Aの知る限り、この考えをはっきりと口に出し、一つの作品に仕立てあげたのは、ジョージ・シュタイナーが最初である。それゆえこの問題にさんざん苦しんだ末に彼の“The Portage To San Cristobal Of A.H."に出会ったとき、Aがいたく感動したのももっともなことだった。
こうした状況を見て若いアムゼルは怒りを募らせる---どうしてさっさと殺してしまわないのか? 彼は年長のギデオンに訴える---
I want vengeance, just the same as you.
Vengeance? There can be no vengeance. ・・・You think the dead will sit up just because we've got Hitler? They don't. You can dip him in boiling oil six million times. What's that going to mean to a man who's seen his six-year-old daughter so terrified she dirtied herself before they killed her? You think that can be made good?
First point.
You must understand that I did not invent. Adolf Hitler dreamed up the master race. He conceived of enslaving inferior peoples. Lies. Lies. It was in the dosshouse I first understood. It was in. God help me. And the lice. Large as a thumb nail. 1910, 1911? What's it matter? It was there I first understood your secret power. Your teaching. A chosen people. Chosen by God for His own.・・・
It was Grill who showed me the words. The chosen people. God's own and elect among the welter of nations. My promise was only a thousand years. Grill said, to eternity, lo, it is written here.・・・ He read from the book. Your book. Of which every letter is sacred and every mite of every letter. That's so isn't it? Read till light out, and after, sing-song through his nose, because he knew it by heart, from his school days. 'They utterly destroyed all that was in the city.” In Samaria. Because the Samaritans read a different scripture. Because they had built a sanctuary of their own. Of terebinth. Six cubits to the left. They made it seven or five or God knows. Put to the sword. The first time. Every man, woman, child, she-ox, dog. No. No dogs. They are of the unclean things that hop or crawl on the earth, like the Philistine, the unclean of Moab, the lepers of Sidon. To slaughter a city because of an idea, because of a vexation over words. That was a high invention, a device to alter the human soul. Your invention. One Israel, one Volk, one leader. Moses, Joshua, the anointed king who has slain his thousands, no his ten-thousands, and dances now before the ark. It was in Compiegne, wasn't it? They say I danced. Only a small dance.
From you. Everything. To set a race apart. To keep it from defilement. To hold before it a Promised land. To scour that land of its inhabitants or place them in servitude. Your beliefs. Your arrogance.・・・Do you remember? The pillar of fire. That shall lead you to Canaan. And woe unto the Amorites, the Jebusites, the Kenites, the half-men outside God's pact.・・・ They whispered to me that he too. The name. My racism was a parody of yours, a hungry imitation. What is a thousand-year Reich compared to the eternity of Zion? Perhaps I was the false Messiah sent before. Judge me and you must judge yourselves.・・・
Point two. There had to be a solution, a final solution. For what is the Jew if he not a long cancer of unrest? I beg your attention, I demand it. Was there ever a crueler invention, a contrivance more calculated to harrow human existence, than that of an omnipotent, all-seeing, yet invisible, impalpable, inconceivable God? ・・・ The Jew emptied the world by setting his God apart, immeasurably apart from man's senses. No image. No imagining even. A blank emptier than the desert. Yet with a terrible nearness. Spying on our every misdeed, searching out the heart of our heart for motive. A God of vengeance unto the thirtieth generation(these are the Jew's words, not mine). ・・・His God is purer than any other. And because we are His creatures, we must be better than ourselves, love our neighbour, be continent, give of what we have to the beggar. We must obey every jot of the law. We must bottle up our rages and desires, chastise the flesh and walk bent in the rain. You call a tyrant, an enslaver. What tyranny and what enslavement have been more oppressive than the sick fantasies of the Jew? You are not Godkillers, but Godmakers. And that is infinitely worse. The Jew invented conscience.
But that was the only first piece of blackmail. There were worse to come. The white-faced Nazarene. Gentlemen, I find it difficult to contain myself.・・・ What did that epileptic rabbi ask of man? That he renounce the world, that he leave his father and mother behind, that he offer the other cheek, that he render good for evil, that he love neighbour as himself, no, better, for self-love is an evil. Oh, grand castration! Note the cunning of it. Demand of human beings more than they can give, and you will make of them cripples, hypocrites, mendicants for salvation. ・・・ What could be crueler than the Jew's addiction to the ideal?
Sacrifice yourself for the good of your fellow man. Relinquish your possessions so that there may be equality for all. ・・・So that justice may be achieved on earth. So that history be fulfilled and society purged of all imperfection. Recognize the sermon, gentlemen? The litany of hatred? Rabbi Marx on the day of atonement. Was there ever a greater promise? 'Classless society, to each according to his needs, brotherhood for all mankind, the earth made a garden again, a rational Eden. 'In the name of which tyranny, torture, war, extermination were a necessity, an historical necessity! It's no accident Marx and his minions were Jews - Trotsky, Rosa Luxemburg, Kamenev, the whole murderous pack. Look at them: prophets, martyrs, word-spinners, smashers of images, drunk with the terror of the absolute. It was only a step, gentlemen, a small inevitable step from Sinai to Nazareth, from Nazareth to the covenant of Marxism.・・・
・・・Men had grown sick of it, sick to death. When I turned on the Jew, no one came to his rescue. No one. France, England, Russia, even Jew-ridden America did nothing. they were glad the exterminator had come. They didn't say so openly, I grant you that. But secretly they rejoiced. We had to find, to burn out the virus of utopia before the whole of western civilization sickened. To return to man as he is. Selfish, greedy, short-sighted, but marvelously housed in his own stench.・・・We shall vomit you so we may live and have peace. A final solution. How could there be any other?
Third point. You have exaggerated. Grossly. Hysterically. You've made me out some mad devil, the quintessence of evil, hell embodied. When in truth I was only a man of my time.
Average, if you will. Had I been the singular demon of your fantasies, how could millions of ordinary men and women have found in me the mirror, the plain mirror of their appetites? It was, I will allow, an ugly time. But I did not create its ugliness, and I was not the worst. Far from it. How many wretched little men of the forests did your Belgian friends murder outright or leave to starvation and syphilis when they raped the Congo? Some twenty million. That picnic was under way when I was new born. What were Rotterdam or Coventry compared to Dresden and Hiroshima? ・・・Who was it that broke the Reich? To whom did you hand over millions, tens of millions of men and women from Prague to the Baltic? ・・・I was a small man compared to him. Yes, Stalin slaughtered thirty million. He perfected genocide when I was still a nameless scribbler in Munich.・・・ Stalin's torturers worked for the pleasure of the thing. To make men befoul themselves and obtain confessions which were obscene jokes. ・・・He found us amateurish, corrupt with mercy. Our camps covered absurd acres; he strung wire and death pits round a continent. Who survived among those who had fought with him, brought him to power, executed his will? Not one. He smashed their bones to the last splinter.・・・Small game, gentlemen, hardly worthy of your skills. In a world that tortures prisoners and pours napalm on naked villagers. That continues to do these things quite without my help.
(Fourth point.) ・・・That strange book, 'Der Judenstaat'. I read it carefully. A clever book, I agree. Shaping Zionism in the image of the new German nation. But did Herzl create Israel? Or did I? Examine the question fairly. Would Palestine have become Israel, would the Jews have come to that barren patch in the Levant, would the United States and the Soviet Union, Stalin's Soviet Union have given you recognition and guaranteed tour survival, had it not been for the Holocaust? It was the Holocaust that gave you the courage of injustice, that made you drive the Arab out of his home, out of his field, because he was lice-eaten and without resource, because he was in your divinely ordered way. That made you endure knowing that those whom you had driven out were rotting in refugee camps, not ten miles away, buried alive in despair and lunatic dreams of vengeance. Perhaps I am the Messiah, the true Messiah, the new Sabbatai, whose infamous deeds were allows by God in order to bring his people home. 'The Holocaust was the necessary mystery before Israel could come into its strength. 'It wasn't I said that, but your own visionaries, your unravellers of God's meaning on a Friday night in Jerusalem. Should you not honour me? Who have made you into men of war, who have made of the long, vacuous daydream of Zion a reality? Should you not be a comfort to my old age?
So, gentlemen of the tribunal:
I took my doctrines from you.
I fought the blackmail of the ideal with which you have hounded mankind.
My crimes were matched and surpassed by those of others.
The Reich begat Israel.
These are my last words.
正義の問題! そう、それはまさしく正義の問題だったのだ。
・・・I beg your attention, gentlemen, I demand it. Was there ever a crueler invention, a contrivance more calculated to harrow human existence, than that of an omnipotent, all-seeing, yet invisible, inconceivable God? ・・・A blank emptier than the desert. Yet with a terrible nearness. Spying on our every misdeed, searching out the heart of our heart for motive. ・・・
そしてこれが、ヒトラーの自己弁護の第二の論理に対する反証である。すなわち、ヒトラーがそれに対して戦ったところの'the blackmail of the ideal'はイスラエルの考案ではなく、むしろイスラエルは、その最初の被害者であり、しかも最も哀れな被害者なのだ。
しかし我々はまた、ここで百八十度視点を変えて、'the blackmail of the ideal'そのもののためにも弁護しなくてはならない。というのは、Aはそのために第二章の全体を費やしたようなものではなかったか? すなわち、ユダヤ教とその後身のキリスト教とにおける理想の概念は、人間のうちに厳然として存在する悪に対する一つの回答であり、対処策であり、態度表明なのである。
And that is infinitely worse. The Jew invented conscience.
以下はAが最初にこの戯曲に出会ったとき、感動のあまりというのもあったが、それに加えて反論と弁明のために書いた古代イスラエル史及びキリスト教史である。' But the facts must speak for themselves.' そしてその特に後半において、問題の部分が扱われることになろう。
2024年1月 さいきん発表した作品たちまとめ
Les tableaux peints pour mon projet de film
祖父について補足 思い出すままに
Les tableaux peints pour mon projet de film
祖父について補足 思い出すままに
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